Today in most western cultures,

acupuncture is considered a “new alternative medicine”. In reality, acupuncture has been practiced as a medical treatment for over 5000 years. As the basis of acupuncture, the body has an energy force running through meridians or channels. The energy force is known as Qi(chee). If the Qi is unbalanced, insufficient or interrupted, the body becomes unbalanced and illness may occur. The illness can manifest itself emotionally or physically.

Thus, acupuncture is said to restore the balance, open the channels and promote circulation throughout the body. By inserting very fine and sterile single-use needles at points along the meridian, the flow of Qi relieves the pain, tension, or stress.
If you have never tried acupuncture, I strongly recommend trying it. After 2 or 3 acupuncture treatments, you will feel wonderful and realize you have another effective choice for your medical care.